


来源:西安新动态国际英语培训学校 发布时间:2013/4/1 11:23:00

西安雅思培训整理 雅思写作单项一向以来是泛博考生的弱项。良多考生自己并不缺乏论据和根基表达,可是年夜多都在六分摆布盘桓。济南新航道的杜林教员认为,大体的文章框架和写作内容,每个考生都差不多。可是想要拿到6.5分以上的分数,就要做好细节工作。所谓细节,就要求考生避免吠形吠声,而应该切确运用英文逻辑,地道的表达以及新奇的思虑角度是不成或缺的法宝。本文仅经由过程四个表达浅议地道表达在雅思写作中的使用。


  雅思写作高文文问题问题都是社会热点话题,所以考生在作文中经常使用 “popular” (风行的)这个词。可是这个词在考官眼中已经俗套了,而且也无法传达真实有用的信息,也不合适Mark Griffins在教程6-7.5分书中所提到的,能够理解 “detailed reasoning”。那么,传神达意又地道正确的表述是若何的?以比来很是火的韩国热点歌曲“江南style”为例,我们一路来看一下native-speakers所写的句子。

  例1:By now, "Gangnam Style" has become part of the pop culture lexicon. The infectious song by South Korean singer Psy broke the Guinness world record for "most likes" on YouTube.

  (‘Gangnam style? Not in N. Korea’, Los Angeles Times, published on 12 Oct 2012)


  例2:It (the video for Psy's track Gangnam Style) is a colourful, over-the-top, hilarious pastiche of commercial pop videos and sees Psy debut his now internationally famous "horse riding dance".

  (‘Gangnam Style the UK's first K-pop number one’, BBC online news “newbeats”, 1 Oct)


  例3:Gangnam Style, a novelty song by the South Korean rapper Psy, is the global pop sensation of 2012.

  (South Korea: a rough guide to Gangnam style, The Telegraph, 7 Oct)



  在写作的媒体类,社会类话题中,经常使用的一个表达是“经常使用”。好比,考题中会呈现孩子们经常看电视的利弊,经常使用因特网,以及交通工具排放的废气对人体的影响等。学生的作文中经常呈现的表达是“watching TV too much”, “the overuse of the Internet”, 以及“excessive use of the Internet”等。然而,exposure做为一个地道表达很少被说起。学生大都熟知字典上对exposure “吐露”这一条释义,可在写作中可以做为“接触”的同义表达使用。好比例4,就是在一条很好的写作素材,用于交通能源类,申明天天接触交通工具发生的噪音对人体的影响。

  例4:It found that 2% of Europeans suffer severely disturbed sleep because of noise pollution and 15% can suffer severe annoyance. Chronic exposure to loud traffic noise causes 3% of tinnitus cases, in which people constantly hear a noise in their ears.

  例5: Some people may point out that too much exposure to advertising imposes a lot of pressure on children as well as their parents.

  例6:The report raises concerns about how this increasing amount of time spent with media is affecting us -- and specifically, how it is affecting youth. Heavy media exposure could have long-term effects on our bodies and brains that we don't realize.


  例7:The American Medical Association’s Council on Scientific Affairs concluded in a 1997 report that given the “particular uncertainty…regarding the long-term health effects of low-dose pesticide exposures,” it is “prudent” for adults and children to limit their exposure and to “consider the use of the least toxic chemical pesticides or non-chemical alternatives.”



  “embrace”是极端地道的表达,不仅仅是学生熟悉的“拥抱”含义。殊不知还有其他含义。在社会类和教育类题目的写作中,考生经常使用“获得,有”这个概念。经由过程接管大学教育,学生获得了理论常识和实践手艺。做0元义工,学生能够获得人生阅历。大多的表达都是勾留在“gain theoretical knowledge”或“acquire vast amounts of working experience”。而“embrace”就是很传神的表达。

  例8:Sales of carbonated sodas have been declining for the last decade, as American consumers have embraced new choices of beverages and, more recently, become more aware of how much sugar they contain.


  例9:Along with theoretical knowledge, today’s working world requires its workforce to embrace practical skills and soft skills as well. It is believed that the Malaysian workforce, locally and overseas, possesses such skills.


  在写作实践中,embrace还可以暗示“accept”的含义。在社会类和教育类话题中常见的表达“接管改变/现实/新事物”等,都可以使用。请见下面native speakers的文段。

  例10:Graduates of the Westerly High School Class of 2012 are urged to embrace change and share knowledge

  例11:Human development has always been driven by knowledge, and by our capacity to impart this knowledge, cumulatively, to succeeding generations. But as the pool of knowledge continually expands, and demand for access to it increases, the traditional means of sharing it are strained. UNESCO estimates that, by 2025, there will be an additional 80 million students seeking higher education. The way things are going, there is simply no way we will be able to give them all an on-campus education. To match this demand, Universities should embrace the move toward online learning.



  在鸿文文结尾段的合理化建议部门,以及陈述类题目的解决法子部门,都需要考试针对该会商话题提出建议。传统的思考角度是从着手,可以给以经济援助或扶持;也可以增强监管和节制;鼎力宣传教育。在考虑到媒体类和犯罪类题目时,经常用到“应严酷控制该行为”的表达。如“应严厉控制媒体中的暴力信息,以达到降低社会犯罪率的目的”。而考生的表达多集中于“The government should strictly control/impose stricter control the violence and pornography in the media to reduce crime rates.”这两种表达在语法角度而言都无可厚非,可从说话地道的层面来看,就略有差池。请看下面的例子:

  例12: All media in North Korea are tightly controlled by the country's propaganda network.

  例13:Western Australia's emerging unconventional gas sector, which undertakes a practice known as fracking, will be subject to Australia's toughest disclosure laws and to be more tightly regulated. Mines and Petroleum Minister Norman Moore says it is important to establish strict laws while the industry is still young.



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